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Child therapy


Over 10 Thousand Children Visited A Parent In A Contact Centre Between 2020/ 2021. Many of these sessions were ordered through the family court. It takes anywhere between 6-12 months to achieve a final child arrangements order, with an average of 3 months between hearings. If the court orders contact in a centre, a parent may have to spend at least a 3 month period in this setting. Based on 1-hour contact each week, there would be an average cost of £200 per month. If the parent responsible for the cost cannot afford it, the child/children and parent may not see one another for this amount of time. THIS IS PARENTAL ALIENATION
The consequences of severe parental alienation on children are well-documented:


  • low self-esteem

  • self-hatred

  • depression

  • anxiety

  • lack of trust in others

  • substance abuse and more.


In addition, studies show that alienated children go on to have conflicted relationships later on in life.

There is ZERO funding for low-income families required to visit children in a contact centre in the UK.

We are trying to raise £100,000 to put towards fully funded sessions for low-income parents and children. This would support around 2% of families who visit a contact centre, but we know this could be life-changing to the children involved in these sessions. Children who experience family breakdown are more likely to experience:

  • behavioural problems

  • under perform in school

  • need more medical treatment

  • leave school and home earlier

  • become sexually active, pregnant, or a parent at an early age

  • report more depressive symptoms and higher levels of smoking, drinking and other drug use during adolescence and adulthood


A change needs to be made! Please donate now if you would like to help children and families in these situations!

As a company, we understand that sometimes parents can reach a difficult point in their relationship, whether from divorce or a messy breakup. Sometimes arrangements surrounding the child/children cannot be worked out positively in the first instance. We offer various services to assist families in working toward a positive and productive relationship with their child/children. Whether that be assisting with handovers, supervising contact in our centre or offering separated parenting courses, we want to help!

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